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Smoke Alarms Requirements

Working smoke alarms or smoke detectors are compulsory in all rental homes since 1st July 2016. We have worked with the appropriate guidelines to inspect, assess, and provide high quality Smoke Alarms or Detectors that are within the requirements for complying with Smoke Alarms under the Residential Tenancy Act. We can happily say our entire management portfolio complies with current Smoke Alarm requirements

The compliance requirements include the following:

  1. Smoke Alarm must be installed within 3 metres of each bedroom; or one Smoke Alarm per bedroom.
  2. Smoke Alarm must be each level or story of a multi-story / multi-level home.
  3. Smoke Alarm must be installed in all rental homes, boarding houses, rental caravans, and self contained sleeping units with the following specifications:
    a. Must be Photoelectric
    b. Has a battery life
    c. Installed according to the manufacturer’s directions
    d. Must meet international standards

To learn more about Smoke Alarm Compliance, take a look at the video below:

Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act for Smoke Alarms